Language Course Training

Learn a language in 6 months for free!

Language Course Training explains in 7 short movie's of maximum 5 minutes 'how to learn a language in 6 months'.

Just do it on your own

You will receive a daily video, about learning a language in 6 months. Within these videos LCT will discuss the 7 themes stated below.

Themes sorted by day:

1 The caveats that come with learning a language in 6 months
2 What is a language? 'active and passive'
3 Studying/study environment/ study plan
4 Emotion, motivation, willpower and effort
5 Finding study materials

Bonus material:

6 Pitfalls and study phases
7 Let it go and take a coach!

Prepare well

Because you don't know how to do it, doesn't mean you can't learn.

When climbing the Mount Everest we know that good preparation, such as training, gathering information and making a time schedule, is key. Lets prepare studying a language?

Learning a language starts with a 5 days preparation

You've decided to study a new language and are super excited to start! Even though you would love to begin with studying words, downloading free apps, ordering books and booking your flight. Wait and spend the first 5 days watching our free instruction videos about learning a language in 6 months and get yourself prepared.

'Since I'm good at math, studying a language must be easy'

Learning a language in 6 months requires effort, time, preparation and most of all understanding what steps need to be taken. What are the challenges? How much time do I need to spend? What should I study first? What are the prejudices about studying a language? How does emotion impact studying?The instruction videos of LCT awswer these questions.

Preferred student age

Secondary school (12-17)
Undergraduates (17-22)
Adults (23-40)
Adults (40+)

Preferred level of students

Pre Intermediate
Upper Intermediate

Free instructional videos

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